Eprom Emulator

Up to now the workflow has been:

  • write some test code
  • remove the rom from the isa board
  • put the rom into an eprom burner
  • flash the new code
  • put the eprom back into the isa board
  • power on and see if it works

This takes a lot of time, and requires a lot of insert and removal of both the isa card from the bus and the eprom from the socket.

I started looking around the net for an eprom emulator.

I found one on a website called MyGeekyHobby

From the website:

EPROM Emulator is a tool that can temporarily replace an EPROM memory chip inside your "target" device. You can plug it into your computer and "upload" a new version of code in seconds (instead of removing, UV erasing, reprogramming, and re-installing a traditional EPROM chip).

I've been using this eprom emulator in my development of this synth. It is so convenient and fast. My turn around time to test new code went from minutes to a few seconds. Kris has done an amazing job offering this emulator to the community.

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