- CPU: MC6802/MC68A02/MC68B02 4MHz/6MHz/8MHz
- RAM: 128 bytes (internal to cpu) up to 48K
- ROM: 8K up to 56K
- PTM: 1 or 2 (address selectable) MC6840/MC68A40/MC68B40 Programmable Timer Module
- PIC: MC6828 Priority Interrupt Controller
- VIDEO: MC6847 Video Display Generator
- SERIAL: 1 or 2 (address selectable) MC6850/MC68A50/MC68B50 serial cards
- AUDIO: 6 Voice Sound card, up to 8 for a total of 48 voices. ADSR functionality. Frequency range 27.5Hz to 8kHz
- BUS: standard passive ISA backplane
- DEBUGGING: Single Step module with programmable clock rate. Bus Monitor card
Before we learn more, let's first see how we arrived here.
--> A MC6802 breadboard computer
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